

Parameters here are actually URI query and can be linked together with & to generate a complex feed.

Parameters here need to be placed after the route path. Some routes may have custom route parameters and parameters here need to be placed after them.


If a output format (.atom, .rss, .debug.json) is set, it needs to be placed between the route path (including custom route parameters) and other parameters.


# Filtering


Please make sure you've fully URL-encoded (opens new window) the parameters. Do not rely on the browser's automatic URL encoding. Some characters, such as +, &, will not be automatically encoded, resulting in the final parsing result not being correct.


filter supports Regex, and due to the fact that some Regex are vulnerable to DoS (ReDoS), default engine re2 blocks some of these functionalities available in node Regexp. These two engines also behaves a bit different in some corner cases. Details (opens new window)

If you need to use a different engine, please refer to Deploy->Features->FILTER_REGEX_ENGINE.

The following URL query parameters are supported, Regex support is built-in.

Set filter to include the content

  • filter: filter title and description

  • filter_title: filter title only

  • filter_description: filter description only

  • filter_author: filter author only

  • filter_category: filter category only

  • filter_time: filter pubDate, in seconds, return specified time range. Item without pubDate will not be filtered.

E.g.|Yellow|Black (opens new window)

Set filterout to exclude unwanted content.

  • filterout: filter title and description

  • filterout_title: filter title only

  • filterout_description: filter description only

  • filterout_author: filter author only

  • filterout_category: filter category only

E.g.|Yellow|Black (opens new window)

Set filter_case_sensitive to determine whether the filtering keywords should be case sensitive. The parameter would apply to both filter and filterout.

Default: true

E.g.|yeLLow|BlaCK&filter_case_sensitive=false (opens new window)

# Limit Entries

Set limit to limit the number of articles in the feed.

E.g. Dribbble Popular Top 10 (opens new window)

# Sorted

Set sorted to control whether to sort the output by the publish date (pubDate). This is useful for some feeds that pin some entries at the top. Default to true i.e. the output is sorted.

E.g. NJU Undergraduate Bulletin Board (opens new window)

# Fulltext

Enable fulltext via mode parameter.

E.g. Bilibili article (opens new window)

# Access Control

Set key or code to grant access to requests. See Access Control Configuration.

# Telegram Instant View

Replace website link with Telegram's Instant View link.

Enable Telegram Instant View requires a page template, it can be obtained from Telegram's Instant View page (opens new window)

  • tgiv: template hash, obtained from the link of template page generated(the string after &rhash=

E.g. (opens new window)

Output Sci-hub link in scientific journal routes, this supports major journals or routes that output DOIs.

  • scihub: set to any value

E.g. (opens new window)

# Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese

E.g. (opens new window)

# Multimedia processing


This is an experimental API

image_hotlink_template and multimedia_hotlink_template allow users to supply templates to replace media URLs. Certain routes plus certain RSS readers may result in users needing these features, but it's not very common. Vulnerable characters will be escaped automatically, making XSS attack impossible. The scope of URL replacement is limited to media elements, making any script URL unable to load and unable to cause XSS. As a result, users can only take the control of "where are the media from". These features are commonly side-effect-free. To enable these two parameters, please set ALLOW_USER_HOTLINK_TEMPLATE to true

  • image_hotlink_template: replace image URL in the description to avoid anti-hotlink protection, leave it blank to disable this function. Usage reference #2769 (opens new window). You may use any property listed in URL (opens new window) (suffixing with _ue results in URL encoding), format of JS template literal. e.g. ${protocol}//${host}${pathname},${host}${pathname},${href_ue}
  • multimedia_hotlink_template: the same as image_hotlink_template but apply to audio and video. Note: the service must follow redirects, allow reverse-proxy for audio and video, and must drop the Referer header when reverse-proxying. Here is an easy-to-deploy project that fits these requirements (opens new window). The project accepts simple URL concatenation, e.g.${href}, in which should be replaced with the domain name of the service you've deployed
  • wrap_multimedia_in_iframe: wrap audio and video in <iframe> to prevent the reader from sending Referer header. This workaround is only compatible with a few readers, such as RSS Guard and Akregator, which may not support the previous method. You can try this method in such a case

There are more details in the FAQ.

# Output Formats

RSSHub conforms to RSS 2.0 and Atom Standard, simply append .rss .atom to the end of the feed address to obtain the feed in corresponding format. The default output format is RSS 2.0.


# Debug

If the RSSHub instance is running with debugInfo=true enabled, suffixing a route with .debug.json will result in the value of ctx.state.json being returned.

This feature aims to facilitate debugging or developing customized features. A route developer has the freedom to determine whether to adopt it or not, without any format requirement.

For example:

  • /furstar/characters/cn.debug.json

# Brief introduction

Set the parameter brief to generate a brief pure-text introduction with a limited number of characters ( ≥ 100).

For example:

  • Brief introduction with 100 characters: ?brief=100