


🍰 万物皆可 RSS

telegram (opens new window) npm publish (opens new window) docker publish (opens new window) test (opens new window) Test coverage (opens new window) Foresight Docs (opens new window)

RSSHub 是一个开源、简单易用、易于扩展的 RSS 生成器,可以给任何奇奇怪怪的内容生成 RSS 订阅源。RSSHub 借助于开源社区的力量快速发展中,目前已适配数百家网站的上千项内容

可以配合浏览器扩展 RSSHub Radar (opens new window) 和 移动端辅助 App RSSBud (opens new window) (iOS) 与 RSSAid (opens new window) (Android) 食用

Telegram 群 (opens new window) | Telegram 频道 (opens new window)

# 鸣谢

# Special Sponsors


Foresight: Increase CI/CD Health & Test Performance

Foresight provides full visibility and deep insights into the health and performance of your tests and CI pipelines. Assess the risk of code changes, deal with flaky tests, see workflow and test trends over time, and improve the contributing experience with Foresight.

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# Contributors

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Logo designer sheldonrrr (opens new window)

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